"The first step in extending the lessons of transgenderism to transhumanism is to recognise the continuity of life across substrates, just like the of continuity of gender across body-types. Just as each person has a unique sexual identity, without regard to their genitals, hormones or chromosomes, each person has a unique conscious identity without regard to their degree of flesh, machinery or software. It is no more the genitals that make the gender than it is the substrate that makes the person. We must respect the personhood of any entity that "thinks consciously, therefore I am conscious," just as we must respect the sexual identity of any being that feels this gender, therefore I am this gender." Eh? Martine Rothblatt, the darling of the Ted Talk circuit, 2011. Have you ever heard such gobblygook language such as this ?
An apt quote in answer the above comes immediately to mind: O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! Walter Scott
If you've felt that you've been broadsided of late by the relentless push for the acceptance of the less than 1% worldwide of those wtih transgender identity issues, you're not alone. After witnessing the once unimaginable level of aquiescence of the vast majority of the people worldwide relating to the covid con, the cabal now think that the time is right & the masses ripe for a complete takeover of their minds, body & soul. And I mean that literally. The long-held plans to transform us all into cyborgs needs transgenderism as a segue to reach their goal. Transhumanists do not believe in a God, they think THEY are the new Gods. They also think they can remold humans with embryonic gene editing technology (CRISPR) AI, & information technology (data collecting). No matter if you are religious or not, the onslaught of the persecution of Christians & churches across the world, cannot be denied. Those with traditional, family values, which include many Christians, pose a massive problem for transhumanists for they are the most vociferous ones to question the transgender movement & it's inclusion in the school curriculum.
Gay people were first used to break up conventional families but have now served their purpose as the transhumanists have furthered their agenda & advanced to the next stage --transgenderism. In fact they achieved this almost twenty years ago which is evident by the seemingly overnight roll out of transgender people placed in positions of power. It's enough to make you think it was all by design & devised long ago - Never !
You've heard of the Internet of Bodies (IoB) ? Our physical data is being gathered via a range of devices that can be implanted (the jab) swallowed or worn. According to transhumanist belief, humanity is only a work in progress & it is for them to upgrade us to their liking. The removal & replacement of organs & the intense use of exploratory drugs necessary to transition from one sex to another enables them to acquire the knowledge to progress closer to the final outcome: The creation of the mechanical/synthetic being. The transgender tribe are dupes, being mercilessly used to bring this dark, Godless, plot to fruition. In 2004 the aforementioned, Martine Rothblatt, launched the Terasem Movement, the gay news website Out.com gave 5 must know things about Martine Rothblatt. Here is the last point.
"She believes in a forseeable future in which the beloved dead will live again as robots, reanimated by sophisticated artificial-inteligence programs that will be as cheap and accessible to every person as iTunes, Martine has even created a "mindclone," a sort of artificially intelligent digital replica , of her wife Bina. She's called Bina48. Martine and Bina have even started a "trans religion" based on transhumanism. Called, Terasem, the creed is based on four pillars: 1/ Life is purposeful. 2/ Death is optional. 3/ God is technological . And 4/ Love is essential." Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with the fourth pillar, the third one I have a problem with! "God is technological." Really ? I don't think so! Sounds blasphemous to me. But then, to transhumanists, blasphemy fits perfectly with their overall philosophy that God does not exist.
Below is from the homepage of Terasem of which Martine Rothblatt is chairman.
A social movement devoted to diversity, unity and joyful immortality achieved through exponential growth of geo-ethical nanotechnology. Immortality is accomplished by creating consciousness in self-replicating machines that can be distributed throughout the cosmos. The machines use their exponentially growing knowledge and ethical nanotechnology to convert universal random mass and energy into ubiquitous intelligent mass and energy that, networked together, will be a force capable of controlling cosmic physics. Diversity, unity and joy are ensured through machine consciousness and universal adherence to the principles of Terasem. As the collective consciousness becomes increasingly omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent it will realize the age-old vision of a benevolent God. Until the time of cosmic dispersion, Terasem functions as a trans-religion by educating the public on the practicality and necessity of diversity, unity and joyful immortality. This mission is achieved via six activities: broadcasting the Truths of Terasem, teaching geoethical nanotechnology, hosting problem-solving symposia, convening commemorative rituals, demonstrating human cryonics and building cyber-consciousness.
So, to conclude, in my mind, transgenderism is without doubt the vehicle to Transhumanism, & I am not alone. Many people have come to the very same conclusion. This is a vast subject which requires everyones attention for unless people realise why the tiny fraction of the population on earth that belong to the transgender movement has been given such a high profile platform to preach from & free rein to curse, censor & abuse all those that disagree with their skewed ideology, they will become more emboldened which will not end well. What they all have in common is a shared obsession with immortality. Dating back to the 1st century BC in Egypt when priests started to practice alchemy, transmuting base metals into gold or silver, man has had a compulsion to obtain longevity. Alchemists also tried to create a substance which would prolong our lives or even make us immortal. So this eternal quest for everlasting life is not new, but now the technology is in place to assist their aims it's just a matter of time before their dream comes to fruition. Christians believe that God will intervene before the joyless, cyborg abomination becomes a reality, but maybe that's just wishful thinking. Let's hope that with the help of God,we can prevent the technocratic globalists from destroying what it means to be human, to love & laugh, to enjoy living as magnificent, mortal beings & to embrace our individuality. I do believe this is possible my friends.